Tax office search
Here you can find an overview of all of the tax offices (Finanzämter) that belong to a given state. Simply click on your state to see a list of the individual tax offices in this area.
List of states
- Baden-Württemberg
- Bayern
- Berlin
- Brandenburg
- Bremen
- Hamburg
- Hessen
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Niedersachsen
- Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Rheinland-Pfalz
- Saarland
- Sachsen
- Sachsen-Anhalt
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Thüringen
Typically, your local tax office, to which you submit your tax return, is the one in charge of your area of residence at the time of filing. For example, if you lived in Munich in 2019 but moved to Hamburg in 2020 and you’re filing your 2019 tax return while living in Hamburg, you will still submit it to a Hamburg tax office.
Tip: We recommend that you notify both your previous and new tax office following a move.
Local tax office for those maintaining two households
If you are married and managing two households (doppelte Haushaltsführung), the tax office in charge of the residence where your family lives is also in charge of your tax return. If you manage two households but are not married, the tax office in charge of the area of residency where you spend the most time is also responsible for your tax return. You can find more information on double household maintenance here.
Local tax office for military forces, police force, etc.
People serving in the military often spend many days and nights in barracks far from home, similarly, many in the police force spend periods of time in other cities. The local tax office for those in the military and police force is still the one in charge of their own place of residence – even when they spend the majority of their time somewhere else for work.
Local tax office for divorced couples filing a joint tax return
Married couples who file for divorce can file one last joint tax return in the same year, before their divorce becomes final. If they choose to do this, they will receive a single tax assessment notice (Steuerbescheid) and their potential tax refund will be deposited into one bank account. Typically, their tax return is submitted to their normal local tax office from previous years. If both spouses have already moved to different locations, the local tax office for the partner with higher income is used.